Today, one common challenge for more rural societies in the country's regions is that youth move away from local communities to find work and education. As a result, the population in those communities is aging and decreasing. If we want our local community to thrive in the future, we need to provide our youth and new students with job opportunities, due to what is called original works are becoming more and more difficult to find in our rural area. Our youth groups need knowledge of engineering entrepreneurship and business opportunities to be able to independently earn a living in their local community in the future and develop their local community.
The overall objectives of the Engineering Entrepreneurship Program are developing youth knowledge about engineering entrepreneurship. Young participants gain fundamental knowledge of engineering entrepreneurship and hopefully, they will have a positive attitude towards engineering entrepreneurs in the future. The word “Engineering Entrepreneur” is often used only in the basics of running a business.
In the program, we work with in-house engineering practitioners. Outside Creativity and Media Training and business operations. We connect financial knowledge with media literacy and try to use pioneering methods to work with young entrepreneurs in terms of culture and creativity.
Course structure
Required subject: 6 credits
Capstone Course: 3 credits
Elective subject: 6 credits
Total: 15 credits
Tuition fee: 12,000 baht (Pay for the whole course)
รองศาสตราจารย์ ดร. นันทวัฒน์ จรัสโรจน์ธนเดช
โทร. 083-191-7777, 081-654-3000